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Capt. Brett Wilson with a 1200 lb bluefin tuna caught aboard the Hindsight in 2015

Capt. Brett Wilson above with a 1200 lb giant bluefin tuna.

With an estmated 1,040 giant bluefin tuna caught as of 2024, Capt. Brett Wilson and the crew of the Hindsight are truly among the "high liners" of the commercial bluefin tuna fleet.

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Hindsight Sportfishing is proudly sponsored by Pure Fishing, Penn, Costa, Raymarine, and Fishworks


Hindsight Sportfishing Giant Bluefin Tuna Fishing Videos

 beautiful George's Bank giant bluefin tuna caught aboard the HindsightBelow you will find a collection of some of the best giant bluefin tuna fishing videos available anywhere. All videos were shot aboard the Hindsight with Captain Brett Wilson and the crew of Hindsight Sportfishing.

Check back often, as we will be adding new videos as the season progresses. Thanks!



Giant Bluefin Tuna Fishing Double Header with Hindsight Sportfishing

Fishing giant bluefin tuna with Hindsight Sportfishing and Capt. Brett Wilson. Congratulations on the double header, Captain and crew!

End Game with Hindsight Sportfishing!

A giant bluefin tuna brought in and harpooned by Capt. Brett Wilson and the crew of Hindsight Sportfishing east of Chatham, MA 


Three Giant Bluefin Tuna with Hindsight Sportfishing!

Three giant bluefin tuna tail wrapped on the Hindsight! Capt. Brett Wilson and Hindsight Sportfishing does it again! 


Early Morning Giant Bluefin Tuna with Hindsight Sportfishing

An early morning battle east of Chatham, MA, with a giant bluefin tuna aboard the Hindsight with Capt. Brett Wilson and the crew of Hindsight

Giant Bluefin Tuna "Double Header" with Hindsight Sportfishing

Two giant bluefin tuna hooked up at the same time, east of Chatham, MA, with Capt. Brett Wilson and the crew of the Hindsight.

Two Tail Wrapped Giant Bluefin behind the Hindsight

Two tail wrapped giant bluefin tuna behind the Hindsight. Hindsight Sportfishing with Capt. Brett Wilson and crew.

Giant bluefin tuna caught aboard the HindsightHindsight Sportfishing Last Bluefin of the Season at George's Bank

Another successful end to a great bluefin tuna season with the crew of the Hindsight!

Giant bluefin tuna video from Hindsight SportfishingGiant Bluefin Tuna Fishing aboard the Hindsight

Great giant bluefin tuna action!

The Best Giant Bluefin Bite on Video!

Great giant bluefin tuna bite on George's Bank with the Hindsight!

Fish'n Giants!

A very productive trip to George's Bank aboard the Hindsight. Great giant bluefin tuna action!

Hindsight Sportfishing giant bluefin tuna videoGiant Bluefin Tuna Fishing on George's Bank

More bluefin tuna action aboard the Hindsight! George's Bank

giant bluefin tuna fishingSpoon Fed Giant Bluefin Tuna!

Captain Brett Wilson has a giant bluefin tuna take the bait out of his hand aboard the Hindsight.

Giant bluefin tuna charter fishing aboard the HindsightHindsight Sportfishing Giant Bluefin Tuna Charter

A charter battling a giant bluefin tuna aboard the Hindsight.